ALITHE – Active Learning In The Historic Environment

7th to 12th March 2022. Lefkara, Cyprus

I would conclude that everywhere you go there is something to learn. The experience in Cyprus brought together people from different cultural backgrounds who tied special friendships, who participated in learning activities and who shared teachings from different fields of life.  My heartfelt thanks go to all those who have been involved.” Antonia Popa, Romanian learner in the ALITHE action in Cyprus.

The experience that I gained during this project was out of my best thoughts. I met amazing people from different countries. We created a very strong bond and we still communicate through social media. And we hope to meet again on another project. It was lovely to study new skills in groups and through practice. Like making mosaic, sewing bags and painting icons. Now in my work of painting and handmade stuff I started to use my grandmother old embroidery table covers. That is all inspired by my experience from the project.” Miroslava, Bulgarian participant in Cyprus

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