Bulgaria – Medieval Fortress Excavation

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This archaeology placement is hosted by Ms Velislava Chilingirova, a tourism expert with a wealth of experience working on international projects, who is based in Troyan, central Bulgaria.

Students will work on the Medieval fortress Hotalich – digging at necropolis by a church, every day transport is organized by the museum team. The student’s mentor will be the archaeologist of Sevlievo museum, Nadezhda Boteva.

The archaeological site is on a hill over the town, about 9 km from the center, with a view to the mountains. Work is from 8.30 am to 1.30 pm. Often students discover interesting artefacts – glass beads, bracelets, earrings, ceramics, bones.

Weather is usually very warm, there is a water spring, picnic area and WC at the site.

Free time at weekends with possibilities to visit Gabrovo and Ethnographic Open-air museum ETARA, and Veliko Tarnovo – Capital of Second Bulgarian State 12-14 century. There is usually 1 or 2 days in Sofia at the end of the placement.


The Turing grant will cover accommodation, food (3 meals a day), return, flights, insurance, transport to site and supervision. Participants will have to make sure they have their EHI or GHI card and budget for personal purchases and excursions.

This project has been funded with support from the Turing scheme, funded by the UK government.

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