Cyprus – Capturing the past through Archaeology linked to Art and Crafts

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Students are taught about the various periods of Cyprus history and explore the many themes uncovered though applied arts and workshops.

Work that past students have been involved in include:

-Historic building surveys including medieval church buildings and fabric, symbolism in sculpture & iconography

-Traditional practices such as votive offering.

-Identifying and recording carvings and old graffiti.

-Museum curation

-Workshops in oral history, including sensory archaeology (archaeology of the senses i.e. touch, smell etc.)

-Ceramic workshops

-Mosaic workshops

A full cultural programme will include visits to historic and archaeological sites


The Turing grant will cover accommodation, food (3 meals a day), return, flights, insurance, transport to site and supervision. Participants will have to make sure they have their EHI or GHI card and budget for personal purchases and excursions.

This project has been funded with support from the Turing scheme, funded by the UK government.

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