Any available placements will show above. Click on the available placement information for more details.
Meals: Provided by host. Breakfast at accommodation, packed lunch in the field, cooked dinner by local lady at accommodation.
Communication: Wi-fi at the accommodation and various places of work.
Transport: There is a 7 seater Zafira that the group can use, but there needs to be a driver in your group for this, please bring your driving license with you. Transfer from airport arranged by the host.
Flights: Grampus will email students with a flight option that fits within the travel grant and which arrives at a time that suits the host. Students are welcome to look for alternative flights, but the arrival times must match those of the offered flight and be within the travel grant. Students have to fund their own way to the UK airport
Weather: In August the weather is quite hot, temperatures can reach 30 degrees during the day, but in the mountains, it is a bit cooler.
GHIC: Students must apply for a Global Health Insurance Card before the placement, and carry it on them at all times

The Turing grant will cover accommodation, food (3 meals a day), return, flights, insurance, transport to site and supervision. Participants will have to make sure they have their EHI or GHI card and budget for personal purchases and excursions.
This project has been funded with support from the Turing scheme, funded by the UK government.
This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and Turing cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.